What Users Have To Say About
The Aura Camera!

“I’ve work for two years as a psychotherapist with Aura Imaging. The client gets a better understanding of his personal development and for the tensions from his childhood from the aura photo analysis. The aura photo shows in a quite concrete way he patterns of behavior which we continue in our adulthood. After many years in my practice as psychotherapist I am convinced that interactive aura imaging is an excellent and important help for the future. There will be a revolution in therapy when psychologists and therapeutics realize the importance of the aura energy field. Then there will be a supporting and helping therapy which improves physical as well as psychological and mental development. The colours of the aura photos fit with my experience as aura psychic. I experience the colours more transparent and in lighter colours.” –
John C. Andersen, Cobnhavn,
Denmark (Aura psychic psychotherapist)
For three years I work intensively with Aura Imaging. I was able to make a lot of experiences with the camera. Each customer has recognized in the Aura Imaging analysis that the aura photo displays his temporary status and reflects his talents.
“Often I have discovered states in my own photos which I didn’t want to admit. I had to conclude that the Aura Camera is more honest than I can ever be. For me personally AURA IMAGING has helped me in my process of consciousness.
“My own photos gave me information which I could use in my practical life. They showed to me: “Now you try to show you yourself differently than you are.” or “You have irritated yourself more than you believe. Try to calm down.” etc.
“Here are a lot of examples how the work with the Aura Camera helped me to get along with myself more consciously and more honestly.
But I got to know many fields of use. Many companies let their products being tested. They realized what effects their products had on people. These changes can be documented well with the Aura Camera. We did research with therapeutic and other tools, with bioenergetic remedies, with food and essences, and found out which impact they had on the aura field. … It’s marvelous. I say marvelous because it seems to be a wonder to many people when they first see their aura on a photo. Until then only this what could be touched and seen was “true”. Now there is an aspect of truth what could only be guessed, felt. The aura blog brings a lot of insights & new understanding is possible on a new plane of comprehending. This is mostly the first step to self healing. Now the client can be enabled to recognize his state and take over responsibility.”
Rositta Virag, Mattsee, Austria,
(Aura Imaging Training Seminar lecturer)

Before I got my aura camera no one paid attention to me. Now I am a media celebrity and every one wants to talk to me. I am so happy that I reached out to the auraphoto contact line for more information.
Sandy DuVeau
• Dr. Wei Ching, biochemist, founder and owner of Rejuvi Cosmetics, South San Francisco, Ca. has provided general assistance in many areas including scientific research, marketing and promotion.
• Dr. Hiraoka, Chi energy master from Japan has performed spectacular Chi energy demonstrations in Aura Imaging videos.
• Dr. David Young Shik Kim MD. of the Chicago Pain And Rehabilitation Clinic in Chicago, Illinois, is an Aura Camera 6000 owner and uses the equipment as a teaching tool.
• Dr. Stephen H. Klein MD. of The South Jamaica Medical Center in Jamaica, New York uses the Aura Camera to photograph his patients.
• Dr. Geoffrey Leigh Ph.D. and research coordinator in the Dept. Of Human Development at The University Of Nevada uses our digital Interactive programs in his research on the development of the human aura in infants and children.
• Dr. Linda Light Ph.D., environmental scientist, biologist, has provided valuable research. and has traveled to many holistic events with the Aura Camera 6000 giving demonstrations, explaining to the general public the scientific an biological principles as to how the Aura Camera 6000 functions as a photographic instrument.
• Dr. Danielle Laurent MD., of France and Belgium is an Aura Camera 6000 owner and is a well known psychiatrist and founder of a professional school dedicated to the study and research of auras and aura photography.
• Dr. Carlo Montamari Ph.D., biologist and psychologist, and Aura Camera 6000 owner from Italy, opened the first metaphysical bookstore in his country with the Aura Camera 6000 as a main feature. He is also researching experimental holistic therapy on schizophrenic patients using the Aura Camera 6000 for photographic documentation.
• Dr. Jose Ortiz Ph.D. from Michigan is an Aura Camera 6000 owner and has written his Ph.D.. dissertation on aura imaging and hypnosis.
• Dr. Carlos Magno Ramos M.D. of Brazil is an Aura Camera 6000 owner.
• Dr. Susan Scholdeiger Ph.D. of Nevada is a marriage and family counselor and psychologist has used the aura camera and digital programs as teaching tools in her work shops.
• Dr. John Start Ph.D., physicist and chiropractor from Germany, has provided technical support, and has created some of the software for the Aura Camera 6000.
• Dr. Gwen Totterdale Ph.D. of Hawaii is an Aura Camera 6000 owner and uses her camera to document her wild dolphin swims with ‘before’ and ‘after’ aura photos of the swimmers. She also leads power spots of the world travel tours and photographs sights such as Stone Henge with the Aura Camera 6000.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our products and services. We look forward to serving your needs. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at either:
You may also regular-mail, call or fax us at our address below:
12121 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 810, Los Angeles, CA 90025
[email protected] 650-261-0190 1-800-321-2872 12121 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 810, Los Angeles, CA 90025