Aura Imaging – Aura Workbook: Introduction
What is an Aura?
An aura is an extension of the physical human body. It is the corona discharge we emanate as a field of light and colors. This corona is as excitable, reactionary and alive as we are. If we change drastically, it changes drastically. If we are rooted and balanced, the aura reflects this balance in its shape and colors. The origins of the aura are rooted in mystery; no one can prove why it is exists or from where it comes.
It is still a measurable force. Some individuals are born with the ability to see the aura. These people are known as initiatives, or psychics. In the modern age we have tools to measure this electromagnetic light.
And it is still a mysterious force. Its meaning is not as straightforward as, for instance, the actions of the beating heart or gesturing hand. The way we perceive the aura’s meaning changes along with our cultural, religious and philosophical beliefs.
So the aura can be thought of as a connection between what we can see and what we cannot. It is a force that exists in both the spirit and reality.

Human civilization has been aware of the aura for thousands of years. Although the auras vary in description, mystics and psychics have incorporated the aura into their spiritual and medicinal practices. Eastern Indian, Chinese, Jewish and Christian mystics have documented these energies that vibrate through all physical matter. You may be familiar with some of the paintings of Jesus and Mary from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period, where they are depicted with a white corona surrounding their heads or entire bodies. White denotes intense power or spirituality, so the image still works today. There are many other written and pictorial evidences of the historical belief in auras, too many to delve into here.
As early as 1890, there have been attempts at photographing the aura. Nicola Tesla produced the first Aura photograph by immersing himself in high voltage. Dangerous, but it did reveal in photographic evidence a white halo of energy surrounding his body.

Dr. Walter J. Kilner, “looked” at an aura through glasses filled with dicyanin dye in 1911. With these glasses he could view a vaporous cloud around his subjects. These clouds of energy existed in ultraviolet light. These glasses were not very popular, however, as the dye was very toxic if it made contact with the skin. In 1917 Dr. Kilner took the first full body aura photo.
In the 1930s two Soviet scientists revolutionized modern aura imaging by charging the photographic plate with high voltage, low amperage energy. Anything coming in contact with the plate; i.e. fingertips, leaves, etc. would reveal a colorfully energetic corona around an object. This technique was more discerning in the energies it picked up, so people could glean more meaning from these mysterious “auras.” After the brother scientists, this photography is now immortalized as “Kirlian” photography.
Now, the industry is blown wide open. In the late sixties, like many Americans Guy Coggins was experimenting with the art of yoga. Fascinated by the energies experienced yogis mastered, he decided to build a machine that would measure the energy from people’s hands. In 1970 he formed Aura Imaging based on this product.
Leader in Aura Imaging
Guy Coggins wanted to learn how to see auras in pictures. After much experimentation Coggins invented a camera that safely and accurately measures the differing emanations of energy from the body. Acupuncture points in your hand correspond to regions of the body, and a tiny computer in the camera translates these points onto the photographic plate. What results is a colorful and varied corona of visible light we can actually use in personal interpretations. This type of photography can be more unique than your astrological chart, as unique as your fingerprint. In the past few years Coggins has been perfecting the transition of the Aura Camera into the world of computers. With the added precision and mobility of the computer age, we can now view the aura real time on a computer screen. The computer can even determine the energies corresponding to the seven chakras to help people understand how to read aura photos. This gives the modern soul-searcher nine different sources of energy, plus infinite variations of color.
Now called Aura Imaging, Coggins’ company produces cameras and computer systems used around the world. The company’s goal is to empower people with the knowledge that there is more to you than you know. You really are more than just “too solid flesh,” we are beings of light as well. Coggins and Aura Imaging are dedicated to educating people on this concept. If everyone were aware of the splendor and beauty of their own auras, they would not be afraid of the transition of death. Death is only a shedding of this body to free the soul, and its aura, into the next realm.

Auras in Today’s World
Ever stand around listening to the radio? Did you ever notice that if you move around the radio, you can affect the quality of your reception? Auras are still around, only now they can react with our environment. In today’s digital age with radios and cellular phones, it is more important than ever to be aware of one’s aura. Experiment with some of this yourself.
New developments may make the process of aura divination seem a little daunting, but the divination process is still rooted in thousands of years of divinators before us. We are merely on the modern end of millions of gurus and mystics, shaman and fortune-tellers. You just no longer need to be a clairvoyant to see the aura. And in the information age we live in, you can arm yourself with knowledge, be it from books, initiatives, yourself or friends.

Arm yourself with knowledge. This book will introduce you to the concepts of physics in light and color, as well as interpretations of auric energy and color used by mystics from the far past until today. These truths should hold true even as the technology of today surpasses itself.
Now, the industry is blown wide open. In the late sixties, like many Americans Guy Coggins was experimenting with the art of yoga. Fascinated by the energies experienced yogis mastered, he decided to build a machine that would measure the energy from people’s hands. In 1970 he formed Aura Imaging based on this product.
Auras of Light
It is very rare that we see the colors of light. Most colors we see are from objects– the green grass, the gray rock, etc. Our whole approach toward color is through pigment, our whole instinct towards the meaning of color is from what we see around us. This is not wrong; far from it, for our instincts teach us more about the world and ourselves than our intellect at times. It is safe to say that the light an object reflects has more affect on us than the light it absorbs, and we reach our intuitive sense about color from what it reflects. We absorb what it reflects. But it is important to view color intellectually so we can really be in tune with what we see.
We usually see colors as pigment, while our aura’s colors are made of light. That red apple isn’t really red. It is, it absorbs, every color of light except red. It is the nature of the apple’s skin to bounce off any wavelengths of light in the range of 625 nanometers. If we could mix the red apple with the green grass, we’d end up with the color brown. But if we mix red and green light, we get yellow. It’s easy to get frustrated here, thinking the whole world has gone backwards, but it’s really very intuitive. Beings and energies of light transcend, while beings and energies of the physical descend or stagnate.
Light colors are primary: red, blue and green; secondary: yellow, cyan, magenta. Pigment colors are primary: red, yellow and blue; secondary: orange, green and purple. The colors we see in a rainbow are the spectrum of light that is visible to us. We can only see colors from red to purple whether they are pigments or light. These make up the traditional color wheel and our long-lost friend from grade school: Roy G. Biv. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

As we begin our journey into aura color interpretation, we have to think of these colors as existing on the transcendental plane. Aura colors are light. Moreover, they are the lights we emanate above the visible spectrum, not reflect in the visible. In the visible spectrum we all reflect only black to albino white, not including the modern color of hair dyes. These colors are our pigments. Black skin contains the pigments of red, blue, green, etc. but black light is the total absence of color. White skin has little or no pigmentation. White light is the marriage of all the colors, a harmony of variation, it is red, blue, green and magenta. Remember what a prism does. It splits white light into the colors of the rainbow.
When we interpret and make sense of these emanations of energy from our body, these seeming invisible (to our eye) vibrations keep in mind that the color is light and not pigment. Really see and interpret it as your own mysterious set of colors which exist in the transcendental plane. They are of color that we can intuit, but the are still of unknown true origin and of huge import. They shine the light of who we are. Trust your intuition and arm yourself with knowledge.
Electromagnetic Shaping
Even though photons always travel in waves, the waves themselves can be affected by forces outside themselves (which could be coming from inside or outside you). For example, the human body acts like a battery, and has its own electromagnetic field. Anyone who has seen the blockbuster movie The Matrix knows this. The electromagnetic fields acts on energy much like a regular magnet acts on iron filings. Your bioelectric field can shape energy. This is why we have such an affect on radio waves when standing near an antenna. This is why we can shock ourselves when touching metal.
We are charged. We suck in energy and emanate it. Our auras and chakras have such distinct and interesting shapes because of our bioelectric field. Our auras are shaped. We shape them. Aren’t we all trying to ascend to a place where we understand how and why our energies are shaped the way they are? Aura imaging and interpretation is the key.
Other Color Measurements
You’ve had a lot to think about already. You probably feel like you’re back in physics class. Two more things, and then we’ll get on with the nitty-gritty tools.
Color interpretation can be quantified, but it is also based upon the quality of the color. We qualify color by its hue, saturation and intensity. Yellow can be marigold or sunshine yellow. Think of the Crayola colors and how many yellows they have. How blonde is that blonde? Whether she’s golden, platinum or dirty determines how saturated the blonde color is. Intensity is whether its dark or it blinds you. Learn about all of the colors and their meanings in the aura book color interpretation.
Complementing colors, when placed side by side, affect the others perceived intensity. Purple combined with yellow enhances both the purple and the yellow.
Personality and Color
Why do we sob, low and deep, when we’re mourning? Why do we scream high-pitched when we’re frustrated? Why do we tingle all over when we’re joyful? Why do we get a headache just from laughing too hard?
There are many answers to these questions, but one explanation is that our emotions are energetic. They are of energy. We reflect in energy what we reflect in us. Sometimes it’s visible or audible. For example, when I’m angry I whine and move away from the person making me angry. None of us always expresses our energies out loud, though. We haven’t since we were babies. Sometimes that energy is held inside to be expressed other ways. It never goes away until we release it. It’s still there in our bodies somewhere. We’re actively thinking about it. It’s expressed in the tightness in the throat, or in the spasms of the hand. But the aura camera can capture it all.

Don’t worry about discovery too much. You don’t have to wear your heart on your sleeve, or you aura photo, either. You can keep this book to yourself or just keep it with your qualified interpreter. Remember, however, that we should be proud of who we are. If you are not proud of your aura photograph, you’ll need to work to become proud. The aura is a blessed reality of ourselves, a mirror to our secret world. It is a place of wonder.
That said, we can now move on to the hard core of aura interpretation. What does what mean where, right? It’s time to switch from physics to anatomy.
As we begin our journey into aura color interpretation, we have to think of these colors as existing on the transcendental plane. Aura colors are light. Moreover, they are the lights we emanate above the visible spectrum, not reflect in the visible. In the visible spectrum we all reflect only black to albino white, not including the modern color of hair dyes. These colors are our pigments. Black skin contains the pigments of red, blue, green, etc. but black light is the total absence of color. White skin has little or no pigmentation. White light is the marriage of all the colors, a harmony of variation, it is red, blue, green and magenta. Remember what a prism does. It splits white light into the colors of the rainbow.
When we interpret and make sense of these emanations of energy from our body, these seeming invisible (to our eye) vibrations keep in mind that the color is light and not pigment. Really see and interpret it as your own mysterious set of colors which exist in the transcendental plane. They are of color that we can intuit, but the are still of unknown true origin and of huge import. They shine the light of who we are. Trust your intuition and arm yourself with knowledge.
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